Friday, August 28, 2009

Test Results!

Gwen's blood is normal! :) YAY! All the test results came back completely normal...we don't even have to give her the Fer In Sol drops anymore (Iron drops...I called them her Meat Drops, HA!)

The Dr. said finger and heal pricks for blood can give less than accurate results, but 4 vials straight from her arm tell the truth, lol. They even ran an extra test for her hemoglobin and it came back normal, too. A-OK :)

Sigh of relief.

Last night in the old place tonight...kinda sad yet exciting at the same time :) Gotta take over 1 more load of stuff and then clean the rest of the old apt. and we are out by tomorrow at noon! :)

Will post pics soon.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

15 Month Dr Appt.

Gwenie had her 15 month Dr. appt on the 21st and she had to get 3 shots :( plus more blood work done. At 12 months she had a low hemoglogin count so they wanted to do it again. Well, she had a low count again so they sent her to the Lab to get 4 vials of blood drawn :( It was so sad. She was screaming. I cound not go so poor daddy had to hold her down and watch. Ugh. We don't know the results yet but the Dr. was thinking it was either she is Anemic or that some hereditary thing where she just has a low count and it is no big deal. Let's pray it's one of those!

We did get her height and weight. She is 30.5 inches tall (75%) and 25.5 lbs (90%. She did a dance for the Dr. and then followed him out into the hall causing everyone to oooh and ahhh at her :) Then the shots came and she was ticked off, lol.

The next appt is in Nov. unless the blood work comes back with other news. I will post when I know :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

We are moving!

This weekend is the big weekend. Nervous, sad and excited at the same time! I mean we like the Apt we are in because it is where we raised Eddie and Gwen :) hehe and it was our first real place together (thats the sad part) but this new place KICKS THE OLD ONES BUTT! (Excited part) And the nervous part...actually moving, ugh! I don't want either of us to throw our backs out or drop something, lol...stressing, but no extra money to hire movers so it looks like it is up to us!

Oh, quick update with Gwen. She is very very whinny lately, maybe she is growing. But, something new she does - One of us says "Pee-You" and she plugs her nose! HA! Another one she will do is say, "no no no" after we say "no" to her...cute, but I am sure that one will be annoying soon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gwen dancing, signing and talking, oh my!

I know I am going to miss some, but I wanted to write all the new things she is saying and doing's just amazing!

She now says complete words such as:
Night Night (sounds liks nigh nigh)
Kitty (although it does sounds like Titty, lol)
Bye Bye
Daddy, Dad, Dada
Mom, Momma, Mommy
Eddie (sounds like Dede)

She makes animal noises based on the animal we show her or say, such as:

Tiger/Lion - She roars, but it sounds like s smokers roar, lol
Sing "Old McDonald had a farm" - she goes "yeiyeeeo" close, lol
Horsie - she makes a high pitched raspberry noise with her mouth

She dances to any music playing. She knows when it is faster and slower and changes her "styles" when she hears different music. She does headbang (sorta, lol) and LOVES to use her feet. Here are some videos of her dancing. More to come!

She uses silverware...although what she ACTUALLY does is move the silverware around in the food and stab at the food, then grab the food with her other hand. She knows how to feed herself, but we think she thinks she is tricking us!

She plays hide and go seek now.

She "puts away her toys" but that usually means her putting about 5% away and Jason and I putting the rest away, but it is still cute.

She uses "sign language" but not correct sign language, more like our own sign language. She knows/does "swings (moving her hand back and forth fast), seesaw (moving her hand up and down slowly), and birds (using her fingers to chirp)"

She remembers actions to phrases such as:
Yummy in my Tummy (she rubs her belly)
Soooo Big (raises her arms)
All Done (raises her arms again, but more out to the sides)
Where's your milk/juice? (she goes and find her sippy cup)
Put your toys away. (she starts to pick things up and take to her toy box)
Do you want a time out? (she points to the corner since she has gotten a few, lol)
So you think you can dance? (she instantly starts dancing...from the show name)
Elmo Slippers? (she finds her slippers and tried to put them on)
Hugs and Kisses (she hugs/kisses what she is holding)
Smell the Flowers (she leans into this scratch and snif book we have and makes sniff noises!)

She knows body parts and points to them including:
Mouth (finger usually goes IN the mouth)
Belly Button (she usually finds it on Me that is a sight)
Nose is close...but she is more interested in Jason's right now, lol

Man, I know there are more things! She holds entire conversations with herself, toys or us in her own language with emphasis on certain sounds and pauses, etc. When she can actually string words together to make sentences, it's going to be hilarious and I am sure, non stop!

Of course there are her favorite books she has a read all the time and she remembers what to do on each page...she practically shows us before we even get there! OH, she wipes her face and cleans the floor with towels.

I hope this helps keep you all up to date with her changes, I know there are more, but I am going blank...I swear everyday I come home from work she has something new she does...I really miss her at work, but Jason and her are having a heck of a fun time with each other and that is great!