Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Almost 20 months
I have to write this first before I forget but last Thurs. January 14th (my parents 32 anniversary actually) Gwen was taking a bath and stood up, pointed to her bumm and then her potty. I asked her if she needed to go potty and she said "yea" and tried to climb out of the tub, lol. I picked her up and wrapped her up in a towel and sat her on her potty. She WENT! She actually told me she had to go and then she went potty. A real one, not just a tinkle, lol. Jason came in and we all celebrated with high fives and a big flushing finale, ha!
She is getting better and better with letting us know. It's great. I hope she is completely done by 2 years...but that is just a hope, hehe.
She is now saying some new words such as:
Muse (meaning music)
Shoes (although it sounds like Sooze sometimes, lol)
I think those are the newest ones, but new words are coming out every single day, it's nuts! I really don't want her to start talking "adult" talk because I love hearing HER language, ya know?
She also knows which room is what. If you stand in the foyer and say "go to the kitchen" she goes. Mommy and Daddys room, she goes. Your bedroom, she goes, etc...AND, now this is hilairous, she is starting to understand what goes IN the fridge and what goes IN the cupboards. She will bring the cans and boxes over to the cupboard area and she will put the cheese and cold items in the fridge. We need to film this. Today she picked up a BAG of potatoes and took them from the entry way of the kitchen to the cupboard under the microwave and put them "away." and I could not stop laughing. That bag is HEAVY!
The wedding planning is coming along nicely. We have the reception and ceremony locations booked. I have a photographer and baker booked. Talking with a DJ and Florist currently, OH and I have my dress! So, I have some pretty big items set in stone. Still don't have an officiant, but I might ask the pastor I grew up with to marry us. If I can't get married in Sioux City with him, I would love if he could come down there, ya know?!
She is getting better and better with letting us know. It's great. I hope she is completely done by 2 years...but that is just a hope, hehe.
She is now saying some new words such as:
Muse (meaning music)
Shoes (although it sounds like Sooze sometimes, lol)
I think those are the newest ones, but new words are coming out every single day, it's nuts! I really don't want her to start talking "adult" talk because I love hearing HER language, ya know?
She also knows which room is what. If you stand in the foyer and say "go to the kitchen" she goes. Mommy and Daddys room, she goes. Your bedroom, she goes, etc...AND, now this is hilairous, she is starting to understand what goes IN the fridge and what goes IN the cupboards. She will bring the cans and boxes over to the cupboard area and she will put the cheese and cold items in the fridge. We need to film this. Today she picked up a BAG of potatoes and took them from the entry way of the kitchen to the cupboard under the microwave and put them "away." and I could not stop laughing. That bag is HEAVY!
The wedding planning is coming along nicely. We have the reception and ceremony locations booked. I have a photographer and baker booked. Talking with a DJ and Florist currently, OH and I have my dress! So, I have some pretty big items set in stone. Still don't have an officiant, but I might ask the pastor I grew up with to marry us. If I can't get married in Sioux City with him, I would love if he could come down there, ya know?!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Sioux City Xmas '09
Ok so remember how I said DM was cold and snowy??? Well Sioux City was freezing and burried. NO JOKE! I have not seen that much snow since I was 7 and they cancelled Halloween. I remember because I wrote a letter to the Gov. VERY upset about the cencellation, HA!
As we got closer to SC from when Jason's parents dropped us off the more snow and wind and cold appeared. Jason and I were shell shocked...we were taking pictures like we had never seen that much snow, complaining, lol. I didn't wear any other shoes except snow boots and I actually had to use my gloves and hat! Gwen got a new winter coat from my parents and boots as well. Even if we don't have to use them that much out here, it was well worth it and needed there! Seriously, NJ has made us go soft with weather.
Tell you what though...that weather was a blessing because everyone in SC was snowed in and could not have Christmas until that Sunday so we go to go!!! I was kinda sad I was going to miss it to begin with, but the snow worked with me and allowed us to be able to attend :) hehe...I do always get what I want...right Tom?
Christmas was at my sister and brother in laws this year for the first time rather than my parents house. It was great except the 10 foot snow drifts we had to drive BETWEEN to get there, ha! No in all seriousness, Iowans are made to drive in that crap and we were perfectly fine. Xmas rocked, the food was great and my sister's place was amazing. Gwen also had a great time with all her relatives and didn't need to have anything to do with Jason and I, lol. Riley and her are best friends I swear! They are flower girls together so I can imagine how fun that will be for them :) Gwen got a lot more clothes (YAY!) and some random toys, blankets and diapers, HA! Books too...Santa actually got her a lot of books this year and a Monster Bowling set, lol. She made out very well.
Jason and I went to a movie after Xmas was over. Gwen passed out instantly and my parents were fine with listening for her if she needed anything, which she didn't. So, we got a little date and went to see Avatar in 3D...awesome. Although I don't know what was more fun, driving through the snow to get there or the movie! HA!
I made another montage of Xmas at SC. Click on it to make it bigger in a new window.
As we got closer to SC from when Jason's parents dropped us off the more snow and wind and cold appeared. Jason and I were shell shocked...we were taking pictures like we had never seen that much snow, complaining, lol. I didn't wear any other shoes except snow boots and I actually had to use my gloves and hat! Gwen got a new winter coat from my parents and boots as well. Even if we don't have to use them that much out here, it was well worth it and needed there! Seriously, NJ has made us go soft with weather.
Tell you what though...that weather was a blessing because everyone in SC was snowed in and could not have Christmas until that Sunday so we go to go!!! I was kinda sad I was going to miss it to begin with, but the snow worked with me and allowed us to be able to attend :) hehe...I do always get what I want...right Tom?
Christmas was at my sister and brother in laws this year for the first time rather than my parents house. It was great except the 10 foot snow drifts we had to drive BETWEEN to get there, ha! No in all seriousness, Iowans are made to drive in that crap and we were perfectly fine. Xmas rocked, the food was great and my sister's place was amazing. Gwen also had a great time with all her relatives and didn't need to have anything to do with Jason and I, lol. Riley and her are best friends I swear! They are flower girls together so I can imagine how fun that will be for them :) Gwen got a lot more clothes (YAY!) and some random toys, blankets and diapers, HA! Books too...Santa actually got her a lot of books this year and a Monster Bowling set, lol. She made out very well.
Jason and I went to a movie after Xmas was over. Gwen passed out instantly and my parents were fine with listening for her if she needed anything, which she didn't. So, we got a little date and went to see Avatar in 3D...awesome. Although I don't know what was more fun, driving through the snow to get there or the movie! HA!
I made another montage of Xmas at SC. Click on it to make it bigger in a new window.

DM Xmas '09
Well we missed the big storm. Got out of NJ in time and only about 1 hour delay in Chicago to get to IA. We were so freaking happy about that. We overpacked in case we have to stay the night in an airport, so we were ready, but not willing to do it if need be. Good thing it was not needed!
An uneventful travel story really. Gwen was great, hardly slept. Jason had gotten food poisoning the day before we left so that was not fun and he slept more than all of us on the way there, but he needed it. We had just taken the sucky (pcaifier) away from Gwen for good the week of the 18th of Dec. and she was doing awesome. Not asking for it, sleeping without it, perfect. UNTIL I had to bring it on the flight with us...they say you need them sucking on something during take off and landing and I didn't really know what else would work so I brought it. She saw it, addiction started instantly. Ugh. We let her have it to calm her down for that week we were back, but the same night we got home, we took it away again and are happy to say she is 100% sucky free (again)!
Xmas in DM was awesome. We had a great time and Gwen really enjoyed all of her cousins and family members. She was much more open to others this time reaching out for them, going away from us to be with them, even got babysat by JJ, her auntie and Laurie her cousin! She loved it! We got A LOT of clothes, which is axactly what we needed for her. Now she does not look like she is wearing highwaters all the time, lol. Some fun toys and one of her most favorite gifts of all was a baby doll and a Spiderman doll, lol!
She definitely enjoyed the cookies, but didn't really eat much food while we were there which was odd to us. We have never had to deal with the whole "picky eater" thing and were worried she was going to become one. She even didn't eat much at all for about 1 week after coming back to NJ...but she is back on track now, lol. Good to go. Man I would hate to have to deal with a picky eater...annoying and we only had it for like 2 weeks!
Anyways, there was a lot of snow in DM and it was cold there. I honestly didn't think I would ever have forgotten how cold it gets in IA, but I did. Nothing like what Sioux City felt like, but wow. More on that part later. Jason's mom and dad drove us half way to go see my parents on Sunday (they met us to go the other half of the way a day later than planned) because of the weather in Sioux City, but they dealt with the winds and snow for us on Sunday and that meant a lot.
Here is a montage of Xmas in Des Moines. If you want to see the images bigger, just click on the actual picture and it will come up in a new window at a larger size.
An uneventful travel story really. Gwen was great, hardly slept. Jason had gotten food poisoning the day before we left so that was not fun and he slept more than all of us on the way there, but he needed it. We had just taken the sucky (pcaifier) away from Gwen for good the week of the 18th of Dec. and she was doing awesome. Not asking for it, sleeping without it, perfect. UNTIL I had to bring it on the flight with us...they say you need them sucking on something during take off and landing and I didn't really know what else would work so I brought it. She saw it, addiction started instantly. Ugh. We let her have it to calm her down for that week we were back, but the same night we got home, we took it away again and are happy to say she is 100% sucky free (again)!
Xmas in DM was awesome. We had a great time and Gwen really enjoyed all of her cousins and family members. She was much more open to others this time reaching out for them, going away from us to be with them, even got babysat by JJ, her auntie and Laurie her cousin! She loved it! We got A LOT of clothes, which is axactly what we needed for her. Now she does not look like she is wearing highwaters all the time, lol. Some fun toys and one of her most favorite gifts of all was a baby doll and a Spiderman doll, lol!
She definitely enjoyed the cookies, but didn't really eat much food while we were there which was odd to us. We have never had to deal with the whole "picky eater" thing and were worried she was going to become one. She even didn't eat much at all for about 1 week after coming back to NJ...but she is back on track now, lol. Good to go. Man I would hate to have to deal with a picky eater...annoying and we only had it for like 2 weeks!
Anyways, there was a lot of snow in DM and it was cold there. I honestly didn't think I would ever have forgotten how cold it gets in IA, but I did. Nothing like what Sioux City felt like, but wow. More on that part later. Jason's mom and dad drove us half way to go see my parents on Sunday (they met us to go the other half of the way a day later than planned) because of the weather in Sioux City, but they dealt with the winds and snow for us on Sunday and that meant a lot.
Here is a montage of Xmas in Des Moines. If you want to see the images bigger, just click on the actual picture and it will come up in a new window at a larger size.

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