So Gwen turning 2 was probably one of the most fun and sad moments so far. Not only was our little girl turning 2 (which is WAAAAAAAY too old) she also had her first visit to the ER after nap time. :(
She had a slight cold those previous days and when I laid her down I knew it would be a rough nap but I decided to jump in the shower before we went out for dinner. I get out of the shower to screaming I have never heard before and gasping of air like which to me sounded like choking. I went into her room and she was yelling in an airy voice between her gasps for a breath "Breathe, breathe" and she was crying. I was trying to calm her down but she just could not breath. I remembered I gave her a bite of honey that morning and Jason and my dad had given her some nuts randomly throughout the day so I immediately thought her throat was closing and we called the Dr. as we dressed her.
*The Dr. had said she can have honey and nuts for those of you thinking we are crazy feeding her that (MOM)...she was cleared for all foods when she was 1*
So in the meantime 3 non-english speaking heating and cooling workers had come into my house to "fix" our AC. I am running around in a towel trying to get changed, the 3 workers are speaking spanish to my dad who is trying to tell them they are doing it wrong, Jason is attempting to get Gwen dressed and manages to not get her shoes and my mom is cleaning. It was one heck of a crazy 15 minutes. As we are wisking down the stairs and into the car to go to the ER which is 5 blocks away Gwen is sitting in the back seat smiling. We about turned around but decided in case it was an allergic reaction we should get it checked out. Maybe it is because she is a baby or just so darn cute but they moved us above everyone else in the ER waiting room and the Dr was there is less than 15 minutes. It was probably the best hospital service I have ever received. Found out it was croupe and not an allergic reaction. The mucus was sitting in her lungs while she slept and made it hard to breath when she awoke. So Gwen got to play with all the Dr toys and entertain everyone in the room like always. Waved goodbye and was perfectly fine after that. We saved her hospital bracelet, too. Everyone babied her even more when they found out she was there ON her birthday, lol.
Anywho. We had to cancel her party because Croupe is very contagious. We rescheduled it for that next weekend but no worries she had PLENTY of presents to open, lol.
We had her birthdya party anyways with my mom and dad and Gwen loved it. Amoung the numerous items and clothes we turned the storage room into a playroom for her. She LOVES IT! It now contains a kitchen, table and chairs, fun curtains and 2 pieces of kid sized storage furniture, but here are the original pics.
Gwen also had elmo and big bird chocolate lolli's that Randi and her mother-in-law made for Gwen's party...she LOVED them too!
Here are a few of her opening her gifts and eating her cake. I really think the grill was a had "cutable" food and she thought that was soooo cool. She even says that now..."Coooool" lol.
Grandpa got Gwen a secret was a teeball set! She plays with it, to come :) Coach Wares would be proud!
We just HAD to get her this gift after the day she had! She loves it! Dr. Gwen :)
And finally, CAKE :) Grandma made 2 big cakes for the party but since we cancelled the big party, we froze 1 and ate 1.
Wow what a tiring weekend :) but who is more tired, Grandma or Gwen?