Wednesday, August 26, 2009

15 Month Dr Appt.

Gwenie had her 15 month Dr. appt on the 21st and she had to get 3 shots :( plus more blood work done. At 12 months she had a low hemoglogin count so they wanted to do it again. Well, she had a low count again so they sent her to the Lab to get 4 vials of blood drawn :( It was so sad. She was screaming. I cound not go so poor daddy had to hold her down and watch. Ugh. We don't know the results yet but the Dr. was thinking it was either she is Anemic or that some hereditary thing where she just has a low count and it is no big deal. Let's pray it's one of those!

We did get her height and weight. She is 30.5 inches tall (75%) and 25.5 lbs (90%. She did a dance for the Dr. and then followed him out into the hall causing everyone to oooh and ahhh at her :) Then the shots came and she was ticked off, lol.

The next appt is in Nov. unless the blood work comes back with other news. I will post when I know :)

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