Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Besides having a horrible weekend, Mother's Day was amazing! I say horrible weekend because Gwen started daycare again this week - which is another post in itself and is coming soon - but being that I pick her up and drop her off, I seemed to have caught some bug going around. On Friday they told the parents that about 12 kids were either out sick or throwing up and leaving school that day. Gwen luckily was not one of on the other hand, was :(.

Maybe I touched something I should have not in that daycare but I really have no clue - anyways, I won't go into too much detail but after staying at work all Friday with a horrible headache and stomach ache because Jason had the car in Dover, when he finally got me and we went to get Gwen I was feeling even worse. I actually threw up in a target bag 2 times on the way home in rush hour traffic. Gwen was in the back making growling vomit noises and laughing while Jason was avoiding a crazy 50 year old cut off shirt wearing jerk who tried to hit us and then get out and beat Jason up (yet another story) anywho my friday night and Saturday were not fun. Woke up Sunday feeling great!

Good think because Jason and Gwen took me to Stacks, a pancake house in Hoboken. We were planning on going to Randi's house for Mother's Day (our good friends here or what we call our 2nd family!) but after canceling going to the wine/tupperware/jewelry party I was going to go to on Saturday night, I wasn't even thinking we were going make it to Mother's Day. Glad I felt good enough for Stacks though because it was Y-U-M-M-Y! We then walked around Hoboken for a while to get some air (kinda chilly today!) and Jason stopped to buy Gwen and myself aprons for Mother's Day! We love them! You can see all the different kinds at but the one I got is here...

Gwen's is here...

Mine had to be ordered so I will get it in 2 weeks, but Gwen's was in stock so she wore it a while when we got home :) So cute and I love it! I had been looking for a cute old school apron forever so I am so glad they got me this, perfect Mother's Day!

Eddie got in on the Mother's Day action as well. He snuggled with me this morning before I got up and even posed for a pic...although I think he loved laying with Jason the most :)

Finally, we didn't bake on Mother's Day, but early in the week Gwen and I made blueberry muffins. She did most of the stirring of the batter...and yes, she is cooking in her undies! She LOVES undies, lol. She asks to wear them and since she is getting pretty good with potty training, we let her. So far only 2 accidents. :)

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