Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Yankees game...farewell sunscreen

This past weekend was my work outing to the Yankees game. Even though we are Red Sox fans - we went and no Jason did not spontaneously combust when he entered the stadium despite his belief :). I have to say Yankees Stadium is big and new and looks like the outside of a nice mall. I think J and I are just the type of people who appreciate and enjoy an old school stadium like the Red Sox or the Cubs...there is just something about them that screams baseball. The new Yankees stadium screams money, lol. Could be a bit of the Boston fan in me coming out in that opinion but oh well. It was still fun and nice to get into the city even if only to ride a billion trains.

Gwen was super excited to ride the trains but got scared a few times with how loud they are. Jason seems to think this just proves she is not a city girl and we should move back home to Iowa but after a few train rides she got over it and was fine. I used to take her into the city A LOT when she was little. There was even a time when I was working for the greeting card company Avanti and J had to go to Iowa for 2 different weddings so I had this 4 month old all by myself and I actually had to take her into work with me! Good thing work didn't mind and for those days I needed to we were meeting at different locations around the city and going on field trips for inspiration while our office got remodeled.

Anyways, back to this game. Baseball is always fun of course. I think this game freaked Jason out though...I felt so bad. We were on the 4th floor at the 14th row. That is the absolute TOP row. We were under an awning and had metal bars behind us so you don't fall out the back but the height was crazy high. Jason was very nervous and he never gets freaked out with heights. He was so worried about Gwen falling off the 4 floors that he could hardly relax! I have never seen him this way. I felt pretty bad for him but Gwen did good (enough) especially when she had popcorn in her mouth.

J actually brought a little baggie of the dirt from the Red Sox field to drop on the Yankees field but that didn't happen because a) there is no way we could have even gotten near the field and b)I don't think he wanted to move he was so nervous!
At one point a bee was buzzing around my head and J said, "I didn't know Bees could fly this high" in a very monotone voice, it made me giggle.

We did leave in the 8th to "beat the crowd" but that didn't really happen. You can't ever really beat the crowd in the city, no matter what you try. :)

As we were waiting in the station to ride the 1st of 3 trains, we met this couple who were going on ballpark vacations. They had already been to 3 different ones this year and went to 4 last year. They live in Sarasota Florida so they are actually Rays fans. I guess they got to the Yankees game early and received a free Yankees lunch box. Well they felt bad Gwen didn't get one so they gave it to her!

It took J all his might not to accidentally drop it, hehe. Gwen seemed very excited to have it but I am pretty sure it's because she was thinking of putting all of her jewelry and crayons in it (that's what she does with the Blow Pop one we got for free at the Comic Con...) We said thanks to that couple and chatted for a bit. The guy then said he had wished he could have given that lunch box to a Boston fan and Jason says, "Well ya did because we are" and the guy was laughing and saying sorry. We said it was OK because Gwen's Grandma Judy is in love with the Yankees so Gwen can take that over to her when she visits :).

I will say one thing that really bothered me - and probably would have gotten me restrained if I pushed it anymore was that when we got there I had a bottle of spray sunscreen in my purse for Gwen. They told me I had to throw it out. They initially said it was because it was metal. So I decided to point at each woman that walked in with metal on their purses, belts, etc...they were not amused. They then brought over the "security lead" and she explained to me that it was actually because of the spraying function. I told her it's for my 3 yr old kid...I am not going to be spraying it all over the place. She still said I needed to throw it away. After a few more snotty breaths and comments - Jason even said "They didn't make us throw it away at Fenway" which did NOT get a smile whatsoever - I lathered up Gwen and as I made sure to point out the price tag saying "$12.95" to the woman checking my bag I throw it down REALLY hard into the trash bag and walked off in a huff.

Now I understand that was probably not the best way to be about a bottle of sunscreen but it's this whole initiative of OVER protection NYC has for really stupid items. If it was mace, sure I understand but I mean really, was I going to be able to spray a Yankee outfielder in the face with my sunscreen from my nosebleed seat? No. And if considered a weapon since it was a type of metal...are you kidding me? Some of those purses weighted over 25 lbs! That's a weapon more than my mini sprayable sunscreen. Ugh, anyways. I did check by the door we came in as we left to try and grab it again but it was gone. So farewell to the coolest, most expensive bottle of sunscreen ever. Damn Yankees.

Oh yea and to boot...they won! DAMN YANKEES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im a yankee and i can tap to yankee doodle dandy.. and I love the Yankees. Ya Guen. love grandma